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- 1413
- 1870
- 169
- 77
- 30
- 1567
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- 187
- 643
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- 1473
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- 367
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- 1253
- 538
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- 196
- 1141
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- 318
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- 1375
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- 26
- 1170
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- 1613
- 1372
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- 1883
- 146
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- 1737
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- 310
- 1647
- 1283
- 635
- 1181
- 550
- 1969
- 993
- 937
- 652
- 364
- 1690
- 1502
- 1992
- 1046
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- 8
- 374
- 657
- 646
- 1639
- 1
- 1822
- 1917
- 341
- 1380